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Helitech 2017: Mission Complete

So that’s Helitech done for another year.  As always, it was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends/customers/suppliers and meet new ones; BIG thanks to all those who stopped by to say hello.  We think having the MRO show the same week, just a few halls down was a great idea and should be the model for all future Helitech shows – it certainly improves the footfall.

One of the best reasons to attend/exhibit at a show like this is when an operator or MRO representative comes along, neither party having heard of each other before, and it quickly becomes clear that we can work together, offering the services/custom needed at that time.  Even better is when a customer comes to your stand with an urgent requirement and you’re able to solve it, or at least set the ball rolling, there and then.

Finally, our teabags were a huge hit; we came home tea-less.  See you next year for another brew!

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